Let the Negroes take care of the hoods, uh? I must admit that I am a bit shocked that Trump put 2 ‘strange’ African-Americans, Ben Carson and Steve Harvey, to head the housing, which is at the heart of his rebuilding program.

Apart from his protectionist policies, Trump’s ‘Make American Great Plan’ appears to rest on rebuilding the ghettoes and infrastructure. He is a property developer and not a military industrialist nor professional libertarian.

This not only gives Blacks the chance to secure true legacies of upgrading Black neighborhoods (and not gentrification), but also gives more African-Americans the opportunity to make huge financial benefits through construction industry contracts. Instead of White House photo opps that brought no real change to African Americans, this appears to be geared towards real change.

I had suspected this when I saw him associate with anti-Establishment self-help African-Americans that made their fortunes through the real economy, and not the Black professional politicians, activists and pastors that never bring tangible change. .

Trumps business focus also appears to be at the root of his planned drastic change in foreign policy, whereby he has singled out China as the clear and present danger to American economic interests and not Russia. The war against Russia has become more ideological than practical.

Yes, there might be a racist undertone that he believes why fight another White country Russia, while being bombed by Islamic terrorists and bankrupted by China. Instead, he probably believes that the US should team up with Russia to fight against China. But, I believe that is a miscalculation since Russia will not turn against China that it politically liberated and built its socioeconomic infrastructure.

As a continental African, I am still a loser because whether or not US teams up with Russia to fight China, the war will be over African resources. Once Trump closes the American market to Chinese goods and discourages American companies from foreign production, all to stop China’s economy from overtaking the USA, the deciding factor will be African resources.

if we now factor in Brexit and Frexit, the European colonial powers will seek to replace lost EU markets with African markets. It has been alleged that both Trump and Boris Johnson, the British Foreign secretary have vouched for the recolonization of Africa because of its ‘corrupt leadership’.

So, it is unlikely that Trump will stop Obama’s recolonization program currently effected through regime change with corruption propaganda and forex destabilization in nations taking Chinese economic infrastructural development like Nigeria, Ghana, Brazil, Kenya and South Africa.

Overall, our African-Americans cousins have a chance of becoming well fed housing department Negroes, while we in Africa should be ready for war in the new US-China cold war in Africa fought through terrorists, corruption propaganda and forex and economic sabotage.

But let it be known that any system that further depreciates Nigeria, the true Black heartland, the Slave Coast, where 1 in 6 Blacks reside, will depreciate the entire Black Race. With a population heading over 900 million by the end of the century,any policy that unsettles us will lead to mass migrations that will devalue whatever the housing department Negroes have achieved. The saltwater Negro devalues the freshwater Negro syndrome. A thousand feet Trump wall won’t stop us.

To help ourselves, first and foremost is, Original Africans have to form a cultural and political platform that clearly identifies and unites us, and most importantly, prevents us from falling into foreign inspired ethnic warfare, which is required to land colonizing ‘peace’ troops.

steve harvey

By Prince Justice

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