At independence from European colonists some nations like Ghana had suggestions to place mosquitoes on their national flags since it was so important to our collective existence.
If there is anything worse than Nigerian politicians and European imperialists, it is Nigerian insects called mosquitoes. All of them thrive on blood sucking, but mosquitoes are the master!
I have been in London for a few days now and if there is anything I appreciate here, is that I can sit outside gisting till 3am without being hunted by mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes are the ultimate predators. They study you, hanging on ledges, handles and anything to hide them before attacking. They are so efficiently evil, I wonder whether or not, they are spirits of some ancestors too bad to make hell.
They are Africans grestest killers. They are so bad that human beings had to further evolve to develop the sickle cell trait as a natural defense mechanism.
The sickle trait prevented malaria but some of us ended up with too much of a good thing, whereby having double sickle traits left no space for water and air in our blood cells and resulted in a condition known as sickle cell disease. This resulted in other forms of childhood death known as abiku in Yoruba and Ogbanje in igbo.
The sickle trait is what made the black African a near superman that was immuned from many ailments. The standard issue for all human beings is the AA geneotype, however sickle trait that originated from southern nigeria is what makes Africans genetically stronger than all other races.
Without the sickle trait, there would be no USA as we know it today, nor Great Britian and Europeans won’t have dominated the world! Na mosquito make Britain Great. Europeans could not have successfully replicated african products – sugar, cotton and tobacco – in the americas, from which they built a global economy.
For the first 20yrs, up to 1515, Europeans tried to use fellow whites and Native Americans in the insect infested swamps required for sugarcane planting, but they died in huge numbers.
Therefore, they had no choice but to seek and force Africans to do the work. Since there was no blood testing, all Africans were taken and a large number of Africans without the sickle traits also died like europeans.
So as an African, you first had to survive the anarchy caused by the european dumping of 400,000 guns on our coast, survive the long hard journey across the Atlantic, before being submitted to the american mosquitoes. Upon all, after 10yrs of service, the european economic system found ways to discount and depreciate your life as a writeoff, in order not to pay for medical and pension bills. You see the wahala mosquito caused we Africans.
The only good thing mosquitoes did for us was that it prevented Oyinbos from settling down in the black African heartland in Nigeria and west and central African regions, popularly known as the Whiteman’s Grave.
With genetics, linguistics and other modern sciences, I have proven that Southern Nigeria is the true garden of Eden, the origin of humanity. From Biblical stories, it appears Europeans were shown the way out of Eden through the East via the floodwaters of Benue River linking them to the Nile and out of Africa through Ethiopia. They were permanently locked out by the insect life demarcated by the TseTse fly zone UNTIL they found a way by sea to come in from our southern coasts.
Despite coming back to Africa, Europeans could only settle in Eastern and Southern african regions without mosquito proper.
In the Americas and Southern Europe (where it caused Thalassaneamia – a variant of sickle cell), they had to destroy the whole ecosystem to get rid of mosquitoes and reduce the threat of malaria. But we can’t destroy Africa’s most fertile ecosystem made up of the world’s largest lowland mangrove rainforest and freshwater swamp.
So, now when we curse mosquitoes in Lagos and Port Harcourt, the world headquarters of mosquitoes, we can thank them for securing our lands from oyinbo and not making us be like Native Americans completely annihilated from their land, or South Africans chased from their most fertile lands into dustbowls!
Then, again, if not for these bloodsuckers, we won’t have developed the sickle cell trait which the european global economy was built upon, so Native american lands would have been left untouched and hundreds of millions of africans won’t have been wasted.
So, we have to blame God for creating such a beautiful resource-rich garden of eden in Southern nigeria, only to fuck it up with mosquitoes! My questions are did God create mosquitoes to chase whites out of Eden? Why are the best predators on Earth mosquitoes and white people? Which kin spirit dey inside mosquito, na oyinbo ancestor? Also, since only female mosquito dey waka come chop person are women… No don’t let ne ask that question if I want peace this weekend.
But, it just aint fair God!