Yorubas, and the rest of the South and Midbelt, never learnt the Special Interests lessons of June 12, as we can see from the Saraki coup in NASS.
We are still a very emotive, impressionable people that could be sold for a song. The lack of understanding of special interest politics makes us repeatedly fall for anything.
Not knowing that the Imperialists, Fulanis and Anglo-Saxons will go to any length to further and protect their interests. Instead we call them conspiracy theories. We are still very basic. Primitive Simpletons.
We never understood that MKO Abiola’s only crime was his fight for global slavery reparations that made them come down hard on him.
Infact, MKo never knew the import of his cause until it was too late, otherwise he would have delayed it until after becoming President and prepare for war.. Just like GEJ never knew that his economic transformation programme that wanted to change the status quo will provoke such a chain of events that produced the propaganda and sabotage. Both thought that they were in a mist of friends. How fatally wrong!
And so did Tinubu err not knowing that there were no permanent friends but permanent interests. Instead of preparing for war, they blindly walked into an ambush.
With hindsight, Tinubu would have placed the best Yoruba available to fight for his cause in Abuja. Instead, he placed an ordinary commissioner that had never won an election against giants like Buhari and Saraki, who clearly understood their Fulani interests and walked in company of giants.
Instead of heavyweights like Senator Mamura that could have won a few senators aside, he had the likes of Remi, his wife, and Asafa, his boy, that could only hiss and moju.
Southerners could only explain the June 12 in basic personality terms. IBB was angry at MKO, this one was jealousying that one etc. They couldn’t see past Northern figures.
Yorubas don’t understand their interrelationships with Britian or USA, despite being enslaved for over 350yrs, colonised for 70yrs and placed under OBJs cabal for the last 40yrs.
They don’t understand that their sweat, blood and gold was the foundations of these great nations and many before them all the way back to Ancient Egypt.
Neither do Yorubas understand that the Fulanis moved from Futa Jallon, where they supplied Moroccan Empire, to Northern nigeria to fight for the resources been diverted away by the British. Forest resources of the south.
The Fulanis had been the afroiasiatic middlemen that prospered across the African sahel selling our resources across the desert. With the European takeover of the West African coast, the Fulanis took all the grasslands, poised to challenge for the south.
However, the Europeans had waited for the advent of the machine gun before venturing past the coast. On hearing the easy defeat of fellow Fulanis in Guinea, the caliphate wisely laid his weapons and instituted the corrupt arrangement still in play.
The caliphate choose to share the corrupt proceeds of its captured terrorities with the British, in what was called indirect rule. As outlined to me at the edo palace, corruption was imbued in the Fulani culture through its administration of Hausa and other colonies for the British. Whatever remained out of the British extractions, the corrupt proceeds was shared down the line through the mogajis/clan heads without fail.
So the average Fulani knew his interests. To most in the arid lands, corruption wasn’t bad as long as it was in their interests. You will hardly find a Northerner condemned Abachas corruption, despite blatant proof.
So, it was laughable when Yorubas fell for the calls of a modern jihad against corruption and GEJ. They never knew that no matter the case, as long as GEj tried to build the southwest industrial triangle, it was to their interest.
The North PDP decamped to strike an alliance with ignorant Yorubas, under the spell of the 1000 year jihad against anticorruption trick, to unseat a Southern president. They then use Ss/Se senators against the yorubas to seize NASS. They clearly showed that it was not about party interests but their special interests.
The lack of clarity on the origin and interests of the original african platform has ensured their continuous subjugation by afro-asiatic and european interests, unified by religion and wildernesses.
Now, the Northern interests that made the rallying call of anti-corruption has backed corrupt saraki to head the legislature, and all Yoruba leadership can do is cry foul, treachery. Dem be Mumu Confirm!
If only we had raised an alarm when we saw British-american interests attack GEJ and support Buhari! If only we knew that fulani interests were the corrupt sharing of southern resources with everybody except us.
Basically, it is a case of Original African Interests (Yoruba, Igbo, Ijaw all the way to Zulu) vs Afroasiatic (hausa, fulani, kanuri all the way to Amhara) and European interests (USa, UK, France all the way to Australia). The naturally endowed but enslaved versus the naturally poor imperialists!
So 20yrs plus after MKo abiola was denied his mandate for pursuing our interests, we are still blind and will fall for anything.
Hmmmn, THINK AFRICAN, YORUBA Ronu and stop falling for banana tricks!