It is a truism that you don’t use the same mindset that got you into a problem to get a solution.

We were overran, enslaved and colonised with two approaches – War of Ogun (Aries) and dogma of Olokun (Pisces). We will regain our freedom and rise with the truths of Esu (Virgo) and hard love of Osun Libra).

These are diametrically opposite points on the cycle of life. If you look at the year cycle, these are opposite signs, six months apart.

According to Original African philosophy based on duality, the universe, humans and events have cycles, contrary to linear Abrahamic philosophies.

African morality is based on this duality through the natural laws of retributive justice as opposed to Abrahamic messiahanic justice.

Our information retrieval system aka Ifa/Afa/Iha is also based on the duality of ejiogbe – the binary code.

Our medicine, metallurgy, quantum physics and all other knowledge bases respect this duality. So for the Black struggle to be successful, it must understand the concept of duality in everything.

The Black Race was mentally enslaved by its conquerors that made it forget the duality of Almighty God, Edunmare who is both good and evil, therefore making us to wrongly allocate evil to Esu, the Orisha, patron saint of information.

We end up losing sight of God and information about ourselves, swept away by the tides of Olokun propaganda in chains of Ogun.

The cycle of the universe is about 24,000yrs, which is tied to the lifespan of human civilization. DNA evidence proves that Yorubas differentiated from Pygmies 87,000yrs ago, which is about three and a half civilizations.

However, we are only aware of the current cycle of human civilization known as the Orunmila civilization that started 12,000yrs ago.

It is possible based on the laws of duality that the first 24,000 yrs after the first ethnic divergence between Yorubas and San Pygmies, we had a de-civilization period of 24,000yrs of floods, ice ages and deluges before we started this progressive period.

These are huge time spaces, epochs, hard to imagine and mostly academic and systematic in nature. For practical purposes, we need to focus on the Great Year of 2000yr eras derived from the 24,000yr cycle of the universe which dictates our global consciousness. The cycle of the day is broken into two 12hr cycles that reflect our daily consciousness. Our year cycle of seasons imparts on our seasonal consciousness.

The Black Race started and blossomed from 6 Great Years away, starting Orunmila wisdom of the Sun, to Yemanja influences of the moon and high tides up to Osun era of international land trade routes all the way to Indus Valley civilizations and South China.

Our problems came in Ogun great year that started around 2000BC when White people came down from the Central Asian mountains, the Andronovo complex caves, with iron weapons and horse chariots to overwhelmed and destroy Black civilizations of ancient Egypt, Indus Valley and South China, as depicted in the Biblical Old Testament. Our mental slavery compounded our problems in the next era, the last 2000yrs of Olokun era as depicted in the New Testament.

To counteract these imperialistic influences we must deploy their opposites with Esu and Osun. To do so we must clear the misconceptions of Esu, being only evil. We must understand the full concept of God and Esu.

In the incoming era of Shango, the era of Enlightenment, we need Esu to spread our truths. We must wage a war of the minds, the war of truth versus religious and political dogma and propaganda.

CIA is Esu capable of spreading good and bad information. However being created in the Olokun era for imperialistic propaganda, it has been accused of spreading more negative than positive information against the Black Race.

Our computer, smartphones and internet are Esu tools, but even though it has been effectively used for enlightening (Shango) the masses, currently it is enveloped in Olokun dogma, fake news, drugs and other mind bending ploys.

Esu tools were pivotal in the anti-slavery and anti-colonization movements. The printing press was used to educate and agitate against slavery, notably the 1800s printing press used to publish Frederick Douglass books in the USA, Harriet Stowe novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and Equaino Oladuah Autobiography.

In the first global Black Congress in 1900, the Black leadership emphasized that all Black activists should form newspapers, which resulted in the Crisis in USA, African Pilot in West Africa and Brazil’s Ten and Quilombo. However these were tools used by the previous movement.

A new tool, the Radio, was to be derived from the invention of radar during the War of Colonies, later renamed the first World War. The 1920s era of Black Cultural Renaissance was inspired by the mushrooming of radio stations.

In addition to the Black political activists employing the Esu radio talkshows to educate, educate then agitate the people, Black music, Osun, belted out tunes to soften the Ogun hardened hearts of the imperialists.

There has been no more successful tool to advance Black identity and culture across humanity. While you can build defenses against Ogun, there are no defenses against Osun penetration of the soul with love and music.

Tunes like Change Gonna Come inspired many in the Civil rights movement. The non-violent movement was a movement of Esu, Osun and Shangos against Olokun and Ogun.

Now, the last stage of Black freedom and eventual ascendancy will be fought with Osun and Esu. However, like Esu is not only evil but also good information, Osun is both soft and hard love. Love can destroy and kill.

As duality, good and bad, exists in everything, the White race also has opposite spectrums. While Western Powers have continued their Ogun and Olokun industrial complex, to defeat them China has chosen the hard Osun route coded as International communism in the 1920s, now in play as international economic infrastructural development.

China’s ultimate aim is to use love to help build economic liberating infrastructure for enslaved colonies, which would eventually bankrupt the Western Powers and rust their Ogun military industrial complex. Hard love.

China like Nigeria were both created on October 1st, the Osun month in the yearly cycle.

The Southbelt of Nigeria must employ Esu to educate themselves and the Black Race of their common origins and collective aspirations and come together in brotherly love (Osun).

The Southbelt must come together in brotherly love to defeat the Fulanis and British and take control of Nigeria.

Their focused Osun must emphasize on global Black business for Blacks and ultimately bankrupt Western exploitative models.

The Global White Supremacists are fully aware that the ultimate weapon of white mass destruction is Osun.

According to Dr Cress Wesling, the White Race have a pathological fear and hatred of the Black Race because an uncontrolled Osun (sexual love) will lead to a Black planet as black and white couples can only give birth to Black.

This is why the lynching of Blacks always ended up with the castration of the Black male, his weapon of mass destruction.

The global White Race ascendancy was based on the Gun designed like a penis and balls that shoots out hot death is diametrically opposite to the Black penis that shoots out hot life.

So, we must focus on the duality of Esu and Osun to achieve Black freedom and ascendancy. If we decide to use Ogun, they are ready to end the world in a ball of fire. And we have no use for Olokun dogma since the truth is on our side and most importantly, the incoming era of Shango is about Enlightment, Justice and Black prosperity.

By Prince Justice

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