Herodotus, the first acknowledged White (Greek) historian came to ancient Egypt around 500BC at the tail end of a glorious 4,000yr Black frontier civilization.

The word Negro/Niger came from the Greek misconception of the original African culture of ancestor burials and veneration,which they called Nekro Manteia. Nekro meaning death became corrupted by modern Indo European languages to Necro, Negro etc, while Manteia became meant worshipping. Necromancy is now the worship of the death.

In Yoruba, it is called Sin Oku. An elaborate ceremony that stems in the belief of the afterlife and death is a promotion not an end.

It is acknowledged that Egypt came from the first Original African frontier empire, Ethiopia, whose first king in 4470BC was known as Ori and ruled on a cultural platform still known as Erecha (Orisha).

Ancient Black Egyptians were Original Africans with common sickle cell traits peculiar to Southern Nigeria and also shared unique Southern Nigerian cultural traits.

It is only in Yorubaland and ancient Egypt that you eat the heart and other body parts of the last king/Pharaoh to become the new king/Pharaoh. The irukere, the horse tail was a common accessory to the Pharaoh and other titled citizens.Osunmare/Wadjet, the Orisha of Rainbow was tied to the beginning of the civilizations and the real power behind Pharaoh was a female spiritual sect known as awon Iyami Osoronga in Yoruba land.

Overtime as White Eurasian herdsmen, starting with the 1700BC Hyskos (Shepherd) kings of Joseph stock took over and adopted but misrepresented our cultural traits, ancestors veneration became religion.

In Websters dictionary, the origin of the word Negro is tied to Black but the only linguistic relation is Necro.

Now, Nigeria means Niger/Negro area being the largest Black conglomerate, but then again could the cheapness of Black life be spiritually tied to the true meaning of Negro/Neckro – death?

Ultimately, we must understand and define our own historical identity and future as a people.

Unfortunately 4000yrs later, we are still facing the threat of ethnic cleansing by Afro-Asiatic herdsmen.

We have turned the annihilation of our ancestors into a religion and pray for our own destruction.

We fail to understand that we were the Original Africans that built ancient Egypt and the Afro-Asiatic shepherd kings have continued from our frontier ancient Egyptian empire to the core of the Black heartland, Nigeria.

For the lack of knowledge a people will perish!

Prince Justice, The Blackworld: Evolution to revolution

By Prince Justice

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