…., they’ll never go platinum!
The BRICS which stands for Brazil, Russia, Indian, China and South Africa is group that represents the move towards a multi-polar world. One free from the Western global economic imperialism and domination.
It is at the end of a journey away from Western economic imperialism that started with Russia backing the political and economic freedom of Mao’s Communist China, and their arming of Black Liberation movements across the world.
However due to a global financial caste system, unlike the Europeans that got Post Second World War Marshallian Plan to rebuild their productive bases, the Global South especially Africans have continuously been ensnared by the Western controlled financial system which has arrested our economic development.
The Western controlled IMF and World Bank have pushed neo-liberal economic policies to African, South American and Asian economies that kill our economies and keep us in the poverty trap. Their finance are politically influenced and mainly for exploitative and not true developmental purposes. Out of the 66 Black nations forced in the Eighties to take IMF structural adjustment policies like subsidies removal and debt for equity swap, none were able to successfully become industrialized and prosperous. By mid Nineties, all Black economies were comatose, stripped of infrastructural value, mines closed, education and health sectors ill equipped, and the masses in abject poverty. The West left them for dead until the Chinese came in to reopen the mines and build economic infrastructure.
With the frenzied Chinese financing and building of the Global South economic liberation infrastructure many nations began to grow, especially nations like Brazil that soon became a major economic power.
At the same time, Russia that had been bankrupted by the Afghan Islamists wars that led to the breakup of the Soviet Union, was to be rebuilt into an economic power by Vladimir Putin. With Russia and China, being the economic powerhouse in Eurasia, Britain and the West acquiesce to the development of Indian economy, especially since their Japanese tradepost initially industrialized to exploit China was no longer fit for purpose. Though India was largely pro-West, the Afroasiatic civilizational destabilization provoked India’s own Hinduism Buddhism civilization renaissance, which hinged India to its own worldview.
The global balance of power that had swung to the North Atlantic area couldn’t be sustained forever, especially since it was based on the economic enslavement of Africa. Russia inspired the coming together of BRICS and the rest of non-slaving nations, following Lenin’s International Communism Manifesto that until the slaving nations of North Atlantic were relieved of African and Asia resources used to dominate the world, non-slaving nations can never enjoy a level playing global marketplace.
For the envisioned new world order of multi-polar civilizational powers, Africa has to be a major part of the puzzle since it’s the greatest source of resources and markets. Nigeria is Africa’s largest population and economy, as well as the dejure leader of Black Africa that can unify and represent Black Africa at the negotiations table. Nigeria will overtake USA by 2050 to become the third most populous nation in the world and with the fastest youth market. Unfortunately, the neocolonial guard in Nigeria has arrested Nigeria’s economic and political development to a point that it is nearly globally irrelevant. Therefore South Africa was included pending when Nigeria can get itself.
BRICS first and foremost must be an economic power as Brazil, China, India pool their resources against the dollar run Western economic imperialism. South Africa, Ethiopia nor any other African nation can bring a faction of Nigerias potential economic might based on population and resources. Moreover, a White controlled South African economy can never spread the prosperity to Black Africans like Nigeria can do.
Just like the AU Parliament and headquarters in White controlled South Africa and Afroasiatic Ethiopia, when the Original African civilization in Nigeria gets it’s act together, it will be the leading force of the Black Race in Africa and BRICS.