Though Yoruba and Igbo crave for social justice and prosperity, Odua and Biafra aspirations are from an Abrahamist imperialist perspective that will ultimately fail against the larger Fulani Abrahamic imperialism that is genetically connected to Medina. The Sultan of Sokoto is the head of the Maliki school of Islam that covers the largest geographic space in the Islamic world and second largest in Islamic population. Nothing short of a wide Original African cultural platform can successfully challenge the Northern Afroasiatic Caliphate, and only on Original African terms not Abrahamic.

Nnamdi Kanu has not hid his Zionist imperialist perspective as he flaunts Jewish backing and his forceful incorporation of Ibibio, Efik and Ijaw lands in continuation of the spirit of Arochukwu. Odua proponents mainly pushed by Oyo-Ibadan axis also makes claims on Ekiti and Ondo states, despite the idea was summarily defeated by Ekiti Parapo in the late 1800s Kiriji War. Those who fail to understand history and plan for future based on trends are doomed to perish.

Just like we fail to understand the influence of the Western Powers in our national politics, like Obama and the British backed Buhari into power, we fail to realize that most of the empires and kingdoms that we view with pride as African were actually a product of international geopolitics. The collapse of Egypt led to the flow of Afroasiatic Islamists to Lake Chad, where Original Africans mainly operated a civilization state based on cultural linkages, led by priest kings based on Ifa-Afa-Iha-Eha-Fa, and not war mongering conquering empires led by warrior kings.

The first Afroasian Abrahamic takeover started around 800AD against the Lake Chad Sao civilization of the Sara and Jukunoid peoples which became Bornu Kanem empire, whose leadership departed from using cultural linkages and institutions, and engaged in the Abrahamic notion of a divine right to forcefully takeover other peoples land and resources. This mindset spread across the Sahel with the likes of Mali that forcefully took over other peoples land, and its king Mansa Musa reputed to have taken his peoples wealth, immeasurable gold bullions, to flash and seek social relevance in Mecca, the Arabic power center.

The most important event that still has a profound influence on the West African region was the August 21st 1415 capture of Ceuta Morocco, signaling the beginning of this phase of European imperialism in Africa. The European takeover of the Afroasiatic trade route linkage ports to Europe destabilized the Upper Niger-Senegambia region. This led to the creation of Songhai Empire in 1460s and the spread of Afroasians towards the Black economic and population center of Lower Niger, present day Nigeria.

Barely twenty years after the 1415 European foot setting on Africa soil, Afroasians began to flood Hausaland, especially Kano in 1431 under Abdur Rahman and Mohammed Korau that eventually became the first Islamic king in Katsina in 1491. The use of the Spear of God Doctrine to convert other people’s land and sell them as slaves became rife and destabilized the Middlebelt, the land of cultural civilities. Zaria became the slave depot as religious cowboys raided the Original African heartland that housed the two largest Niger Congo ethnolinguistic groups, Yoruba and Igbo.

The Afroasians of Hausaland and their slavery raids were challenged by Kwararafa, a confederate of different Original African groups united along cultural linkages of the Benue-Congo ethnolinguistic subfamily, whose heartland was around the Jukuns, who had also united other groups against the older Bornu Islamic imperialism.

The Nupe were the weakest link in the Middlebelt Original African defence against the Afroasiatic onslaught. Being part of the Volta-Niger ethnolinguistic subfamily, instead of falling back on the Yoruba population center to its South, it raided Oyo kingdom around 1520, forcing the royal Court to relocate to Igboho to the west.

Up until the point of Nupe Islamists invasions, Oyo and Yoruba kingdoms had existed as a loose confederation of citystates tied together by cultural linkages, not by force of weapons, with their spiritual leader being the Ooni of Ife. Nri, Edo, Igala and all other Original African civilizations were also ruled by priest kings based on the same 16 sector Ifa-Afa-Iha-Eha-Fa. This is the reason Ooni of Ife is co-chairman of the Nigerian Traditional council with the Sultan of Sokoto, the former being the head of Original Africans and latter being the head of Afroasians.

To reinstate itself around 1535, Oyo changed from a civilization state based on cultural linkages to a military empire building state. It created and expanded its military infrastructure, the Aare Oonakankanfo, in order to forcibly subjugate surrounding areas. To signal the beginning of the change of Oyo’s collective perceptions from Original African belief systems, the first mosque in Yorubaland was created in Oyo in 1550.

From the 1415 European foothold on Africa soil, they slowly inched down the Africa coast till they got to Benin in 1474. With not much to trade apart from gunpowder and Moroccan leather, Europeans decided to copy African production of sugar, tobacco, glass beads and cotton. They took over Cape Verde and Sao Tome islands to plant sugarcane which became like cocaine in Europe, in terms of profit and addictive demand. Based on information gathered from West Africans, Colombus set off in 1492 to ‘discover’ Brazil which had larger lands than the islands and similar climate to plant Sugar Cane. The only problem was the insect life tied to sugarcane and cotton cultivation could only be overcome with the West African sickle gene higher immunity.

In 1506, Benin set up the Aruosa Church in Jesuit Catholic traditions mixed with Original African traditions, but the European demands of slaves to farm their newly discovered South American territories soured their relationship as Benin couldn’t afford such a significant loss in its Labour force. Unable to supply the labor for Brazilian sugar plantations, the Edos had to ban all Europeans from their territory. The Pope ruled that only slaves captured in Just wars were acceptable, so Europeans dumped 400,000 guns on our coasts annually for people to raid the hinterlands and save the souls of the non-Abrahamic evil pagans, which provoked anarchy and an arms race.

Benin was attacked by Delta groups and suffered its worst defeat from the Igalas that had gained from the increased supply of weapons on the banks of River Niger. The Nri kingdom, the Igbo heartland ruled by Priest Kings based on Afa, lost out in the arms race because its territory neither extended to River Niger or the Atlantic coast, where it could gain direct access to Europeans. Instead of the banks of River Niger, highly contested by Igala, Jukun, Edo and Ijaws, Igbos took over the banks of Cross River from the ancient Ibibio kingdom to create a slave depot named Arochukwu, the Spear of God.

Throughout the West African region where people had lived peacefully for thousands of years, as a civilization state led by priest kings based on Original cultural linkages and institutions, people were now led by warrior kings engaged in empire building and slavery, to the detriment of everyone and their eventual fall to Abrahamic civilization and European colonization. Benin succumbed to pressure after 100yrs to join the arms race, as even Kwararafa became more forceful.

The European 1870s Scramble for Africa institutionalized the racist misconception of nationstates as one created and maintained by force by a single ethnic group, as opposed to the Original African civilization state. The 1815 Treaty of Paris that globalized the notion of the nationstate was partly influenced by the 1804 independence of Africans on the island of Haiti and the need to contain and confine them according to their European ownership. The delay in perfecting the submachine gun, superior gunpowder, held the implementation of European colonial nationstates across Africa until late 1800s.

The resultant colonies didn’t last for a century but the Original cultural disorientation was not addressed. Infact, knowing the essence of a civilization state, the European and Arabic cultural imperialists promoted Pan Tribalism to sabotage a strong confederate of Original African groups like Kwararafa.

The British butchered the Original African sphere by adding and subjugating the Middlebelt Original Africans to the Northern Islamic Protectorate while cutting the Original African cultural sphere of Southern Protectorate into East and West regions. Their Abrahamic religions and academia tried to obscure our cultural origin and linkages necessary for a civilization state.

Instead of uniting as a civilization to fight for their collective economic and political freedoms, they fought and continue to fight as separatists inspired by Abrahamic dogma and its resultant ethnic nationalism. The idea that Might is Right belongs to the outgoing (1AD to 2023) Age of Religious and political dogma, the Age of Pisces, Age of Olokun, not the new (2000 to 4000AD) Age of Enlightenment and Justice, the Age of Shango. And, even in this outgoing era of dogma, it was always strategically and tactically obvious that Pan Tribal separatists never had the numbers and sphere to defeat the Abrahamic civilizations. Only a civilization can defeat a civilization, not ill defined spheres of ethnic nationalism.

Biafra would suffer the landlocked fate of Nri kingdom, so they are laying claims and half hearted cultural linkages with Efik and Ijaw, who based on past experiences won’t dare go with Biafra, except with the fuller Original African sphere. Even in democratic dispositions they didn’t vote for the major of Igbo party. In Biafra, the Efik/Ibibio would be at risk of losing their cultural identity without their Tiv and Jukun/Kwararafa family. The Ijaw and other Deltans can not retain their cultural identity against Igbo Migration and Biafran Abrahamic dogma unless the Yoruba who they have shared cultural linkages are included.

The Odua Republic notion is plagued by the strong Oyo Abrahamic push to unite peoples divided into Oyo and Benin empires, without recognizing the Ife civilizational umbilical cord. Yoruba can only be united by Ife, as Northern Yoruba are under the Islamic Caliphate that has vowed to defend their territorial hold with war, Western Yorubas are under the French in Benin and Togo, while the Eastern Yoruba of Ondo and Ekiti is culturally tied to Edo, which is not invited, or Ife whose cultural supremacy is not recognized.

It is the Eurocentric elite of the two largest Original African groups, Yoruba and Igbo, like the Baoule in Ivory Coast, Katanga in Zaire, who push separatists dreams of their own ethnic nationstates. They believe Might is Right and don’t understand that their agitation only serves to break up the collective power of the Original African sphere.

Strategic cultural alliances across the South and Middlebelt based on common genetic and cultural origins and collective aspirations of protecting their identity through a confederation of self determined citystates, will democratically or militarily defeat the Afroasians, who are naturally Abrahamic imperialists.

The change of Ages being ushered in by a cascade of events started by Corona Virus, leading to a crash of all economic and political systems as predicted, gives us the opportunity to rebuild from the basics. Study of trends point to the fact that we are exactly at the point of the 250 year cycle, whereby two cycles ago around 1520 we went down the slippery slope of Abrahamic dogma. The 250 yr Oya cycle brings about significant global structural changes while the 8th cycle (2000yrs), you have a wholesale change in civilizations.

China, the New superpower of the Age of Shango, a civilization state, has shown the way forward in social justice and prosperity, departing from religious and political dogma that breeds exploitation and injustice. We from the Original African heartland must come up with a system based on cultural Justice to the smallest group in our civilization state. Like China that delegated power to local councils to generate massive production, we have to adopt a bottoms up approach where every locality is given the right of self determination of its culture, economics and politics. This will bring about a massive increase in production across Nigeria and Africa, as the right decisions are made where needed, not some faraway capitals where a small group can be teleguided by external self interests.

In the last Confab Report, we had the best possible cooperation and chance to align the South and Middlebelt interests. The Middlebelt clearly stated it was against a separatist agenda that will leave it landlocked and plunge it into decades of territorial wars. The Niger Delta won’t go with Biafra so Odua and Biafra are dreams that can’t happen, and if ventured the offending region will be flogged back to the fold.

Therefore all groups and regions should focus on cultural linkages to bring about a fair and just confederation, a civilization state not nationstates. If the universe throws the opportunity of all systems crashing, we should not waste the opportunity of a change in civilization to justice. Otherwise, we should continue with the South and Middlebelt alliance, organizing democratically to bring about restructuring to cultural Justice and prosperity.

By Prince Justice

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